Dear Swiss community and fellow growers
I can offer you many gemmae!
Those marked with * contain 20g and not more. Else you can expect 25-50 gemmae. Therefore the higher prices
Prices in CHF
D. hyperostigma 3
D. silvicola* 4
D. grievei* 5
D. citrina* 5
D. X Dorks Pink 4
D. allantostigma 4
D. leucoblasta 'yellow' 4
D. parvula ssp. sargentii (50+ gemmae..) 5
D. pycnoblasta 4
D. microscapa 4
D. enodes 3
D. occ ssp. occ 'Bermullah' 4
D. palecea 3
D. scorpiodes 3
D. gibsonii* 5
D. X Lake Badgerup 3
Shipping costs inside CH: 1.50
If you are intersted: michi(at) or PM.
Best Regards,
D. silvicola
D. parvula ssp. sargentii
D. pycnoblasta
D. microscapa
D. citrina